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“Care of the soul requires craft – skill, attention, and art. To live with a high degree of artfulness means to attend to the small things that keep the soul engaged in whatever we are doing, and it is the very heart of soul-making.” — Thomas Moore, Ph.D.

Artemis in the City Blog

Festive Black-Eyed Peas Bring Good Luck in 2010!

Posted: Thu, Dec 31, 2009
By: Danielle Heard, MS, HHC

Black-eyed peas are not just any ol' cow pea to southern folk. Black-eyed peas symbolize survival, health, prosperity and are thought to bring good luck. It is tradition for people living in the south to eat black-eyed peas each year on New Year's Day. Most southerners make sure to eat their black-eyed peas along with some leafy greens at the stroke of midnight or sometime on New Year's Day to avoid having bad luck and to obtain wealth and prosperity during the coming year.

To help you celebrate and have extra special good luck in the coming year, I have posted my recipes for black-eyed peas, greens and cornbread muffins. To view these recipes, you will need to login as a member to my website. If you are not a member, please sign up. Membership is completely FREE. Click here to find out more and to sign up.

I hope that you can understand the need to require the login to protect my recipes from being copied to other websites. I have experienced this problem in the past and had to have a website taken down for copyright infringement as they were copying my blogs directly to their website!

New Year's Day Recipes:

Here are a few recipes that are sure to bring you luck, good health and prosperity in the New Year! I hope you will

John Got His Life Back and Lost 70 Pounds!

Posted: Wed, Dec 23, 2009
By: Danielle Heard, MS, HHC

Faced with a health crisis at the young age of 40, John realized that it was time to take control of his health. He had already experienced taking up to 11 medications at one time and knew that this was not the path that he wanted to continue. In just 6 months, John was able to turn his health situation around and lose over 50 pounds.

John has now lost over 70 pounds and said, "I am happier and healthier than I've ever been. I feel like the time has been set back about 13 years."

By helping John dissolve old patterns and thoughts about food and equipping him with new tools and healing food theories, John has been able to completely change his life.

In 2008, John visited the Artemis in the City company website and became interested in the wellness programs. He then contacted Danielle Heard to learn more about how they could work together since he lives in Denver, Colorado. A few months later in April 2009, John was ready to begin a 6 month wellness program.

At the time John began his program, he was experiencing many health issues which included high blood pressure, gout, fatigue, and depression. John also wanted to lose about 50 pounds.

During the 6 months that John and Danielle worked together,

December 2009 Newsletter

Posted: Mon, Dec 7, 2009
By: Danielle Heard, MS, HHC

Hello Friends!

I want to let you know that I have changed the format of my newsletter. I am now using the e-newsletter program Constant Contact.

Please click here to view my Artemis in the City December 2009 E-News! as a web page for a limited time. This issue includes featured recipes, a top 10 gifts wish list for Santa, special offers, and important issues for you to take action.

If you have been previously receiving my email newsletter or have been periodically receiving updates from me but did not receive my December 2009 E-News! in your email box, please check your spam folder. If for some reason you did not receive my newsletter, please let me know. I do not want to lose contact with you! Additionally, I am trying to gauge the effectiveness of delivery for this new e-newsletter system and need to know of any delivery problems.

Please be sure to add my newsletter email address to your contact address book so that you will be sure to receive my future E-News! The address is listed in the newsletter click here.

If you are currently not receiving my Artemis in the City E-News!, I hope that you will sign up today. It is absolutely FREE and will help keep you informed of my latest health articles, recipes and events. Click here to sign up!



Artemis in the City Blog

We specialize in helping you live an energized, healthy and passionate life!

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Email: info@artemisinthecity.com | Phone: 903-759-0172 | United States
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