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Artemis in the City Blog

HLFM Farmers Market Temporarily Closes Due to Extreme Heat

Posted: Sun, Jul 31, 2011
By: Danielle Heard, MS, HHC

Despite this season being one of the driest and hottest on record for East Texas, the Historic Longview Farmers Market has delivered a wide variety of beautiful vegetables and other farm products to its customers each week since reopening in April. But with two months of triple digit heat, the farmers' gardens have come to a halt. The Historic Longview Farmers Market will be taking a short break and will reopen as soon as more produce is ready.

As I write this update, it is a scorching 104 degrees outside. The weekly weather forecast calls for another week of over 100 degree weather with the possibility of reaching 108 degrees. It is HOT! According to the US Drought Monitor, East Texas is experiencing extreme and exceptional drought conditions.

The Historic Longview Farmers Market is not closed for a definitive time frame but (Read Full Article)

Nursing Moms Attempt to Break Record in the Big Latch On

Posted: Fri, Jul 29, 2011
By: Danielle Heard, MS, HHC

Thousands of nursing mothers and their babies will join together on Saturday, August 6, 2011, to attempt to break the world record for the most mothers who are breastfeeding simultaneously. The event titled the Big Latch On, will be held at 10:30 AM local time within participating cities worldwide.

The event first started in 2005 by the Women's Health Action Trust in New Zealand as part of World Breastfeeding Week. The event was later introduced by Joanne Edwards in 2010 to Portland, Oregon which brought the event to the United States

The 2011 Big Latch On US event is in collaboration with the La Leche League USA organization. The event will be held during World Breastfeeding Week, which runs August 1-7, to increase awareness of breastfeeding and solidarity among nursing mothers.

The theme for World Breastfeeding Week is "Talk to me! Breastfeeding - a 3D Experience" which highlights communication as an essential element necessary for protecting, promoting and supporting breastfeeding. World Breastfeeding Week is celebrated in more than 170 countries.

To further support (Read Full Article)

A New Kind of Milk Truck Rescues Breastfeeders

Posted: Sun, Jul 24, 2011
By: Danielle Heard, MS, HHC

A new kind of milk truck is coming to Pittsburgh, PA. to help rescue breastfeeding women and to enable babies to eat anywhere at anytime.

In the state of Pennsylvania, as well as the majority of states within the US, there are breastfeeding laws that specifically allow mothers to breastfeed their babies in any public or private location, yet many women are still being discouraged and often are given a hard time.

According to Jill Miller, artist and faculty member in the School of Art at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA., despite the breastfeeding laws, women who are breastfeeding in public are being harassed and asked to leave or to go to the bathroom to feed their baby. Ms. Miller said, "My team and I have a simple belief that hungry babies should be able to eat anywhere at anytime." This is why she created The Milk Truck.

The Milk Truck will be part of the 2011 Pittsburgh Biennial at the Andy Warhol Museum from September 26 - December 10. During this time frame, the truck will be a (Read Full Article)

Asbury Park's Doctor Teams Up with Artemis!

Posted: Sun, Jul 17, 2011
By: Danielle Heard, MS, HHC

An apple a day might ring true and keep the doctor away for many people who are focusing on living a healthy life, but for many residents living in Asbury Park, NJ., their doctor is someone they want to see and who they trust.

Last year I began a business partnership with Dr. Angelo Chinnici, an internal medicine doctor and long time resident of Asbury Park. We met by chance through the Internet as he came across my website. After reviewing my information and background, he began to refer patients to me that he believed could benefit from my health counseling services and support.

Eager to meet each other in person, a trip to Asbury Park was planned during my recent trip to New York City. Not only did we meet but we also organized and held a health event, "Wellness Through Whole Food Nutrition" at his office while I was there.

Dr. Chinnici and I spent the day touring his beautiful office (which is also his home), meeting his staff and shopping for the event that night. He took me to a fabulous health food store in the area, Dean's Natural Food Market, where we had fun shopping together and ate some delicious raw collard wraps and drank green vegetable juice!

Everywhere we went, (Please read full article)


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