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Artemis in the City Blog

Chef Brings Gospel of Natural Foods to East Texans' Menus

Posted: Wed, Oct 20, 2010
By: Danielle Heard, MS, HHC

On Wednesday, October 20, 2010, Danielle Heard, MS, HHC, of Artemis in the City was featured in the Taste section of the Longview News-Journal. The article titled "Chef brings gospel of natural foods to East Texans' menus," highlights the impact diet and lifestyle choices have on health.

The article includes interviews with several clients who have embraced a natural whole foods lifestyle in order to address various chronic health conditions and recover their health. Additionally, the article includes an interview with Dr. Andrei Gasic, a gastroenterologist at the Diagnostic Clinic of Longview who Danielle considers part of her professional network. The article was written by feature writer, Glenn Evans.

If you would like to read the article on the Longview News-Journal's website please click here or download the newspaper pdfs page 1 and page 2.

Thank you very much Glenn and the Longview News-Journal for writing and publishing such a great article!

Note: Danielle would like to make clear that she is not a raw foodist and that her clients are not following raw vegan diets. The focus is on traditional whole foods which (Read Full Article)

Take Action Now - Child Nutrition Reauthorization!

Posted: Mon, Oct 4, 2010
By: Danielle Heard, MS, HHC

There is still time for you to contact your congressional representatives to request that they pass a bill that will deliver significant funding, improvements and provisions to the Child Nutrition Reauthorization Act in order to help America's children overcome childhood obesity and eliminate hunger.

This is an extremely important piece of legislation that includes the National School Lunch Program, School Nutrition Program, Summer Food Service Program, Child and Adult Care Food Program, Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) and other miscellaneous related programs. Your calls and letters to your representatives can help encourage the passing of a bill that will deliver enough funding and legislative change to significantly make a difference in the health of children.

Both the House of Representatives and the Senate have each been working on developing revised versions of the Child Nutrition Reauthorization Act as the current version expired on September 30, 2010.

The House of Representatives Committee of Education and Labor finalized their version of bill H.R. 5504 in July 2010 but Representative George Miller, who is the Chairman for the Committee of Education and Labor has not yet announced how he will move forward with the bill. H.R. 5504 is titled "Improving Nutrition for America's Children Act," and would provide $8 billion dollars in funding for child nutrition programs.

Highlights of (Read Full Article and Take Action Now!)

Tyler Emerges as a Green City in Texas

Posted: Sun, Oct 3, 2010
By: Danielle Heard, MS, HHC

Tyler, Texas emerges as a city that is leading the East Texas area in environmentalism.

In order to help the Tyler community live more sustainably, the City of Tyler along with Keep Tyler Beautiful and the Texas Conservation Alliance hosts an annual Living Green: A Sustainability Symposium each year. The first symposium was held in 2009.

On Saturday, September 11, 2010, the 2nd Annual Living Green: A Sustainability Symposium was held at the Harvey Convention Center. The Mayor of Tyler Barbara Bass provided opening remarks and also announced that Tyler is now a designated member of Tree City USA. In 2007, the City of Tyler adopted the Tyler 21 Plan which included the goal of becoming a Tree City USA member. As a member of The Arbor Foundation's Tree City USA program, Tyler joins other cities such as Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston and New Braunfels, and is recognized as being a greener community.

In honor of the new Tree City USA designation, free trees were given to each visitor of the symposium. The Wright Tree Farm of Edom, Texas donated beautiful varieties of trees such as Bur Oak, Live Oak, Shumard Red Oak and Elm.

Throughout the day, (Read Full Article to also view event photos)


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