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“If you look at your body, you will find billions of living beings who depend on you. Every cell in your body is a living being that depends on you. You are responsible for all of those beings. For all those living beings that are your cells, you are God.” — Don Miguel Ruiz

Artemis in the City Blog

Happy Valentine's Day!

Posted: Sat, Feb 14, 2015
By: Danielle Heard, MS, HHC


I want to wish YOU a Happy Valentine's Day!

Did you know that love is essential for people to experience good physical health? Please check out my blog Love is as Essential as Food and Water which explains why love is so important. 


Are GMOs Affecting Your Health?

Posted: Sun, Feb 8, 2015
By: Danielle Heard, MS, HHC

A lot of people seem to be confused about genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and how they can potentially affect health and the environment. Essentially, GMOs are an organism that has been genetically altered in a way that does not occur naturally in nature. This is a recombinant DNA technique. It is not the same as cross-breeding or natural recombination. When scientists or farmers cross-breed to acquire desirable traits in plants, the plant still contains its own species of DNA. GMOs have been created through the modification of genetic DNA where DNA is transferred from an outside source such as from another species by laboratory techniques. Genes may come from bacteria, viruses, insects, animals or even humans. This process is called genetic engineering (GE) or genetic modification (GM).

Research studies have been conducted on GMOs but the evidence is contradictory and the quality of the science varies. GMOs have not been proven safe. In the USA there have been cases of GMOs that have caused allergic reactions in people such as the Starlink Bt corn. This GMO corn was found in products made of corn, such as taco shells, even though it had not been approved for human consumption. Scientists developed the Starlink GMO corn by inserting a Cry9C protein, from a (Read Full Article)


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