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“Your life is the manifestation of your dream; it is an art. And you can change your life anytime if you aren’t enjoying the dream.” — Don Miguel Ruiz

Artemis in the City Blog

Raw Food Cuisine is More than Salad and Crudité!

Posted: Tue, Sep 30, 2008
By: Danielle Heard, MS, HHC

It is 9:15 AM and like most days, an exhausted 36 year-old Carol Taylor is running late for work. She stops at a street corner near her office to buy her usual bagel and a large cup of coffee from a vendor. She is hopeful that her breakfast on the run will give her the energy she needs to close an important business deal. Carol then hurries to her office to begin another 12-hour day of work. For lunch she stops for a few minutes at a nearby pizza shop to gobble down a slice of pizza and a large cola. By 3:00 PM she can barely focus or stay awake. Carol then has another large cup of coffee to help her make it through the day. Once at home she orders tacos and a large cola for dinner. Carol knows that she needs to eat healthier as she is Pre-Diabetic and is 30 pounds over her normal weight. But Carol is afraid to give up her favorite foods – the foods that she has come to rely on for comfort.

We all know someone like Carol, who is working long hours, living on processed fast food, trying to manage a hectic stressful life and who is facing serious health issues such as diabetes. Though most people have an idea of what is considered healthy food versus junk food, most people are not aware that their food choices also create their life. If lifeless, denatured and demineralized food is

Don’t Forget Your Lymphatic System in the Prevention of Disease!

Posted: Sun, Sep 14, 2008
By: Danielle Heard, MS, HHC

The lymphatic system is a very important component of the immune system that hasn't been given the attention that it deserves. In fact I have clinical physiology books that barely even mention it - so I want to bring it to your attention today. Running parallel to the body's blood system (arteries and veins) from the feet to the neck, the lymphatic system includes the lymphatic vessels and organs (lymph nodes, the thymus gland, spleen and tonsils). The blood system and the lymphatic system have a symbiotic relationship yet we generally do not hear as much about the lymphatic system as we do the blood system.

In the body there is a fluid known as interstitial fluid that is contained within the interstitium or space between the cells. This interstitial fluid enters into the lymphatic vessels and becomes a fluid known as lymph. The lymph flows upward throughout the body’s lymphatic system. But, instead of having a pump like the heart to push it throughout the lymphatic system, as blood is pumped throughout the blood system, the lymph is moved through the lymphatic system by muscle contractions. These muscle contractions move the lymph to the lymph nodes where it is filtered by cells called macrophages that function to eliminate bacteria, cellular debris and other foreign particles. Additionally the lymph nodes house B lymphocytes which are white blood cells that can detect the presence of viruses, bacteria, yeast and other microbiologic organisms and then initiate antibody production. The condition of your lymphatic system is a key indicator of your overall health and the ability for your body to heal itself. It is very

Welcome to the new Artemis in the City Blog!

Posted: Wed, Sep 10, 2008
By: Danielle Heard, MS, HHC

Welcome and thank you for visiting my new blog. My web developer and I have been very busy over the past few months building the blog for my website. Together we have proofed it many times and we hope that the design is clear and easy for you to navigate.

This is very exciting as now I have a way to communicate important and interesting news and information to you. Primarily the content will relate to health, nutrition, natural whole foods and environmental issues as the mission of Artemis in the City is to help you take control of your own health and well-being; make better health choices; prevent or reverse disease and create a balanced life filled with good health, happiness and love. However, I may also bring in other information to share with you that I believe you will find helpful, newsworthy or interesting. Please subscribe to the RSS feed so that you will be updated when new articles are posted Artemis in the City Blog and join with me when opportunities are presented for you to take action. If we act together, we can be heard and create meaningful change.


Artemis in the City Blog

We specialize in helping you live an energized, healthy and passionate life!

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Email: info@artemisinthecity.com | Phone: 903-759-0172 | United States
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