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“Our greatest happiness does not depend on the condition of life in which chance has placed us, but is always the result of a good conscience, good health, occupation, and freedom in all just pursuits.” — Thomas Jefferson

Health Care Providers Serve Food that Sabotages the Ability for People to Heal

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Posted: Sun, May 9, 2010
By: Danielle Heard, MS, HHC
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I would like to bring to your attention a very serious subject - the quality of food in America that is causing people to develop many chronic diseases is also given to the people we love who are ill, sabotaging their ability to heal, regain their health or have a better quality of life.

A few weeks ago, on my way home from seeing Dr. Maya Angelou perform, I stopped to visit my very dear friend who is extremely ill. At the time she was staying at a hospice center but she has since returned home. The photo in this article is a picture that she let me take of her holding her toxic food. Every time I see her she is drinking sodas and eating candy or some other processed and sugary food. She is living on junk food and is slowly wasting away.

Seeing this kind of care being provided by a health care provider is very difficult for me, knowing what I know about food and the impact it has the body. Sugar especially is a leading cause of disease. It seems that when it comes to caring for the sick, our health care providers prescribe medications but give little consideration to the impact toxic foods have on their patients’ health that their own staff is serving to them.

It is unfortunate but hospitals are contracting with food companies that supply highly processed and packaged foods. I wrote about this on my blog last year when my own mother was in the hospital and was given the wrong food for diabetes and kidney dialysis. Please see the blog: US Hospitals Serve Toxic Food to Patients.

I wish that something could be done to change the quality of food that is being served in hospitals to patients as well as to the people that I love. Imagine all the lives that could be saved if people who were ill received nourishing foods that prevented the growth of cancers and helped strengthened their immune system. Ironically hospitals even serve the very foods that cause heart disease. But then how can we expect health care providers to do any better when much of the medical staff is in poor health, is overweight, smokes cigarettes and eats junk food? Most do not understand or embrace nutrition themselves and are not examples of good health.

Additionally, most people do not realize how toxic and disease causing many foods are and it couldn't be more evident than in an article that I read on April 3, 2010 in the New York Times about a doctor who battled breast cancer for 11 years. The article very clearly chronicles her path of healing which included chemo, fast food and sugar. Click here to read the article.

It was also evident that Farrah Fawcett did not realize as she also made some unwise food choices as she was battling cancer. Her television biography showed her in the kitchen multiple times baking and eating pies and fried chicken while she was sick and undergoing cancer treatments.

These two women are no longer alive and their stories lead me to believe that they never received the information and help they deserved. Anyone who wants to survive cancer does not eat foods that are known to cause cancer to grow or that weaken the immune system.

It is my hope that one day people will become more educated and will realize that their body needs quality nutrition in order to be able to heal itself and that their food choices matter in the prevention and reversal of disease.

The quality of food that people choose to eat affects every aspect of their lives!

Processed Junk Food Containing Toxic Ingredients Served to Patients


Thank you very much for reading my blog and please continue to visit often.

I wish you good health, happiness and love!



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