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“Just as food is needed for the body love is needed for the soul.” — Osho

Summer Update

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Posted: Tue, Aug 18, 2009
By: Danielle Heard, MS, HHC
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Happy August!

I hope you are surviving the hot summer weather. To help you keep cool, please check out my website recipe section that just launched in May 2009.

I have posted a few new healthy recipes such as Cucumber Ginger Lemonade, Glowing Goddess Green Juice and Healthy Spring Rolls with Almond Sauce. All are made with raw foods which are very cooling and detoxifying. Click here to go to the recipe login page.

This year has really gone by so fast and it is hard to believe that there are only four more months left in 2009. Time flies when you are having fun!

I have enjoyed meeting so many of you at the various Artemis in the City events and health fairs. It has been a magical summer teaching people about food and helping them heal. When you have time, click here to read some of my new client testimonials.

I have added a new toll-free number, 866-330-5421. No matter where a person lives within the United States, they can give me a call for free. Please let your friends and family know that my health counseling services are available nationally. Special educational health events and presentations can also be arranged in your area with planning and sponsorship.

The Artemis in the City website is nearing completion. The definitions area launched this past week and will continue to grow over time with more health, wellness and cooking definitions. I hope that it will help you on your journey to good health. Click here to check out the new definitions website area. 

Most recently, I joined the world of Twitter! If you would like to follow me to keep up with my latest news, you can find me at http://twitter.com/ArtemisInCity.

This will be an action packed week filled with amazing clients and two events. It is going to be exciting and fun! If you are a City of Longview Employee, stop by my Artemis in the City booth on Wednesday at the City of Longview Health Fair at Maude Cobb Convention Center. 

I am also showing a great film this Saturday. It is a very entertaining film and I hope you can make it! You will laugh, have a good time and I also will have some healthy and delicious treats for you to enjoy.

Please see the upcoming event list below. Kindly RSVP 866-330-5421 or email events@artemisinthecity.com if you plan to attend so that I will know how many people I should prepare for. Please invite your family and friends. These free events are for anyone who is interested in taking control of their health and living a healthy life.

Upcoming August and September Events:
Currently taking RSVP'S!!! We look forward to seeing you there!

City of Longview Employee Health Fair: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 (10:00 AM - 2:00 PM) - Longview, Texas
This event is for City of Longview Employees Only.

King Corn Film Showing: Saturday, August 22, 2009 (4:00 PM - 6:30 PM) - Longview, Texas
This film will be shown in a large theater like setting on a large projection screen.

Take Control of Your Health with Whole Foods: Saturday, September 5, 2009 (3:00 PM - 5:00 PM) - Longview, Texas
We look forward to seeing you there!

Simply Raw Film Showing - Reversing Diabetes: Saturday, September 19, 2009 (4:00 PM - 6:30 PM) - Longview, Texas
This film will be shown in a large theater like setting on a large projection screen. 

Health Blog Articles:

If you have not had chance to visit my health blog lately, please check out my latest articles.

"Aspirin Linked to Higher Survival Rates of Colon Cancer" - Recent research shows that the regular use of aspirin is associated with a significant drop in death rate among patients who had been previously diagnosed with colorectal cancer. This research is not surprising as aspirin is a known anti-fungal that kills parasites such as fungus in the body.

"Three Decades to a Sick Nation" - Over the past 30 years, we have made changes to our nations' food supply that are greater than any other period in human history.

Featured in the Media:

"You Are What You Eat: 'Live' Foods Give Life, Reverse Disease" - Danielle Heard of Artemis in the City was interviewed by fellow Columbia University Alumni, friend and behavioral scientist Dr. Amy Hale.

I want to thank you for your continued interest and support. Please help me communicate important health information to others who may need it. Please forward this information on to anyone you think might have an interest.

Thank you very much for reading my blog and please continue to visit often.

I wish you good health, happiness and love! Have a wonderful summer!!



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Email: info@artemisinthecity.com | Phone: 903-759-0172 | United States
Artemis in the City and logo and Food for the Untamed Soul are trademarks of Artemis in the City, LLC.
