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“When you practice giving love to every part of your body, you plant seeds of love in your mind, and when they grow, you will love, honor and respect your body immensely.” — Don Miguel Ruiz

Spring Update

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Posted: Tue, Jun 2, 2009
By: Danielle Heard, MS, HHC
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Artemis in the City, LLC is experiencing rapid growth this spring. Many projects started last year are finally being completed, making way for exciting new work.

Additionally, the demand for Artemis in the City's holistic nutrition services is significantly increasing.  More people are discovering us and are ready to make lifestyle changes to naturally improve their health.

Many wonderful people have signed up and are participating in one of Artemis in the City's personalized wellness programs to help them address and overcome a wide range of health issues such as allergies, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, food allergies, candida, depression, food addictions, obesity, hypoglycemia, blood pressure, ulcerative colitis, multiple sclerosis, cyclic vomiting syndrome, thyroid, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, acne, insomnia, arthritis, constipation and more. 

It is a great honor to be chosen to help these amazing people. The main focus and priority of Artemis in the City is on providing clients with quality counseling and support services that help them take control of their own health.

One special client recently wrote this statement in a letter about her experience after being in an Artemis in the City wellness program for less than a month. "My friend said I had 'strength' in my voice. She felt like that was a result of my new way of eating. Maybe she is right. I feel like I have taken control back in lots of ways. My health is no longer something that just happens to me and beats me down. I help create an environment for my body to do the wonderful healing that it knows how to do." This is the kind of consciousness and change that I as Artemis in the City work very hard to help clients achieve for themselves. Taking responsibility and control of your own health is life changing and freeing.

In addition to individual health counseling, Artemis in the City also provided several FREE to the public educational health events and was an exhibitor at a number of events during the spring. It was a positive and exciting experience as Artemis in the City met many people who were supportive and interested in the company, its holistic health and nutrition services and the various health topics presented, that for some, are alternative and controversial.

Recent Spring Events:

Please visit the events photo gallery 2009 to see the action. What a great spring!

Upcoming Summer Events:

Artemis in the City is looking forward to bringing you more great events this summer! Please click on the individual links to read the description of each event and call to RSVP.  Events are being continuously developed throughout the year, so please keep checking back often. I will hope to see you at a future Artemis in the City event! If you would like to arrange for Artemis in the City to do an event in your town or for your business or organization, please call 212.535.3160.

New Website Features:

A considerable amount of work was recently completed on the Artemis in the City website. You may have already noticed some of the new additions. I am extremely proud of these new website features as it helps Artemis in the City better help you.

  • Healthy Recipe section launched on May 9, 2009
  • Website Store launched on April 15, 2009
  • Events launched on April 14, 2009

Please take a few minutes to visit these new areas of the website and let me know what you think. In order to view the recipes and to make comments on the website you must be a member. Please become an Artemis in the City member today. Anyone can become a member. It is completely FREE. To learn how to create your member account please read these instructions on creating a new member account. I hope you will join as a member and that you enjoy what Artemis in the City is providing to you for FREE to help you live an energized, healthy and passionate life!

In the Media:

Finally, it is with great happiness to announce to you that a hometown newspaper and a television talk show will feature interviews with me, Danielle Heard, MS, HHC, Founder of Artemis in the City. If you are in the East Texas area, please look for them.

  • Longview News-Journal (Health Section) - Thursday, June 11, 2009
  • Jan Statman's "Scene" on Channel 26 - Interview will be taped June 9th to be aired later during the month of June. Dates to follow.

Thank you very much for reading my blog and please continue to visit often.

I wish you good health, happiness and love! Happy Spring!!!



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Email: info@artemisinthecity.com | Phone: 903-759-0172 | United States
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Privacy Policy | Disclaimer | © 2008-2025 Artemis in the City, LLC. All rights reserved.
Email: info@artemisinthecity.com | Phone: 903-759-0172 | United States
Artemis in the City and logo and Food for the Untamed Soul are trademarks of Artemis in the City, LLC.
