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Pollan Says Health Care Success Depends on Food Reform

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Posted: Sat, Sep 12, 2009
By: Danielle Heard, MS, HHC
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On September 10, 2009, Michael Pollan's response to President Obama's speech on national health care was printed in the New York Times. In the Op-Ed article "Big Food vs. Big Insurance," Pollan suggests that the American way of eating has become the elephant in the room in the debate over health care.

Pollan, who is a New York Times best selling author of books such as The Omnivore's Dilemma, and In Defense of Food, as well as a regular New York Times Op-Ed contributor, points out that 75% of health care costs are for chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease and obesity that are linked to diet and are preventable.

"Our success in bringing health care costs under control ultimately depends on whether Washington can summon the political will to take on and reform a second, even more powerful industry: the food industry," writes Michael Pollan. "But so far, food system reform has not figured in the national conversation about health care."

Pollan further points out that the US government is now placing itself in the position to pay for health care costs that are caused by the very foods, such as high-fructose corn syrup, that it is subsidizing. Additionally, Pollan writes that it is far less profitable for the health care industry to counsel people on diet and exercise than to treat chronic diseases with medications and surgeries.

"One of the leading products of the American food industry has become patients for the American health care industry," says Pollan. But he further goes on to explain that once health care reform occurs, the relationship between the food industry and the health insurance industry will change. Health insurance companies will no longer be able to exclude people with a higher risk of disease or a pre-existing condition. No matter the health condition, insurance companies will be required to provide insurance to people at the same rates. When this happens, health care reform has the potential to spur a movement to reform the food industry. And according to Pollan, there will finally be a wealthy ally that now sees fast food such as happy meals, sodas and chicken nuggets as a threat. Click here to read Michael Pollan's article, "Big Food vs. Big Insurance."

I am hopeful that when reform happens, the importance of health counselors will be recognized by the health industry and our government. We have the training to truly help Americans prevent and reverse disease and to help our country get back on track to better health. It is time to get healthy America. We can't afford not to!

Don't ignore your body's messages to you by silencing them with medications. Over time this can lead to inflammation, chronic disease and even death.

Thank you very much for reading my blog and please continue to visit often.

I wish you good health, happiness and love!



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