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“Your life is the manifestation of your dream; it is an art. And you can change your life anytime if you aren’t enjoying the dream.” — Don Miguel Ruiz

Building a Meditation Labyrinth for Robbins

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Posted: Sun, Jun 14, 2009
By: Danielle Heard, MS, HHC
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I will never forget the night that my dear friend Robbins Davis and I were talking and he informed me that he had started to wear a kilt. My response was with shock and concern that he would wear 'a skirt' in East Texas. He assured me that all was cool and sent me photos and funny videos of the Utili Kilts that he was wearing. From then on I loved and admired seeing my friend in his stylish kilts.

Robbins was a wonderful and very special person. He was unique, creative, talented, funny, kind, sensitive, caring and accepting. He was also extremely intelligent and you would never know that he had suffered a brain injury in an accident while in high school. Robbins would have to remind me and would ask that I call him or email him reminders because he was not good with remembering. In fact, it was his injury that led him to wearing kilts to keep his body cool and to applying dark black eye-makeup around his eyes to prevent him from having migraines. He cared less about what people thought and overtime developed himself into a well loved home-town hero. Everyone that met Robbins loved him. He was often referred to as the pirate because his stylish garb reminded people of Johnny Depp's character Jack Sparrow in the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean."

Robbins lived his life to the fullest. Though he was unable to go to college like many of his friends, he immersed himself into all of the things that he loved and was passionate about. He was an artist with many interests and friends. Robbins was always on the go and very busy doing interesting work with the Longview Museum of Fine Arts, for the community and having fun with friends. Robbins was always willing to help out when asked. Most recently he was asked last minute to dress up like a clown and change sets for a local artist's play. Robbins happily devoted his time to the play and did an outstanding job. I still have my yellow rose that he gave me while handing out flowers to the audience. It was hard to keep up with Robbins except for the location updates from his iphone.

Robbins was a joy to be around and he was a true friend. It was his personal uniqueness and life experiences that made him exceptionally sensitive and accepting of other people. "I just seem to be a good ambassador for the freaks," Robbins said in a recent interview on Bohemians in East Texas. "I was always different. I looked up 'bohemians' a couple of years ago. I try and not label things, but, yeah. I guess that would be, especially the definition you're going by, a pretty good description." To read the Longview News-Journal article click here.

On June 10, 2009 at approximately 10:00 PM, Robbins was traveling home on his small Suzuki motorcycle after having dinner with friends. He was traveling just outside of Longview on FM 2208 when he and his motorcycle were fatally hit by a sports utility vehicle that failed to yield the right-of-way. According to his recent obituary, "He died fully invigorated, totally alive, and free, riding his motorcycle."

Remembering Robbins (May 30, 1982 - June 10, 2009):

Some People

By Flavia Weedn

Some people come into our lives and quickly go.

Some people move our souls to dance. They awaken us to new understanding with the passing whispers of their wisdom.

Some people make the sky more beautiful to gaze upon. They stay in our lives for a while, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never, ever the same.

Robbins Davis Memorial Labyrinth Fund

Robbins most recent passionate endeavor involved building a meditation labyrinth with his friends at the Longview Museum of Fine Arts and Heart and Souls Books. Please help ensure that this important project of Robbins is completed in his memory.  Send donations to the Robbins Davis Memorial Labyrinth Fund at Trinity Episcopal Church, 906 Padon, Longview, Texas 75601. Call for information  903.753.3366.

In the short time that I had to spend with Robbins, he taught me so much about overcoming trauma, living life passionately, accepting others, being yourself and love. He was beautiful, wonderful and amazing. "I love you Robbins!"

Thank you very much for reading my blog and please continue to visit often.

I wish you good health, happiness and love!



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