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“There is never enough food to feed the hungry soul.” — Gabriel Cousens, MD

Artemis Teaches WILD Women How to Create a Better World

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Posted: Sat, Apr 16, 2011
By: Danielle Heard, MS, HHC
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Imagine forever looking at your piece of toast completely different or finally getting why you are so fatigued all the time and are struggling to lose weight, and learning that making different choices not only improves your own health but the health of the World! That is what happened for many of the women who attended Artemis in the City's seminar "Create a Better World with Whole Foods."

The workshop was one of three breakout sessions offered to participants of Women in Longview Day on March 24, 2011 at 8:30 AM and again at 10:00 AM. The workshop covered such topics as the Circle of Life, Food and Healing, Energetics of Food, Farming Practices and provided an Introduction to Local, Sustainable Farmers.

One women was quick to ask after becoming more conscious of her dietary choices, "Okay, so now that I have all this [toxic stuff] inside me, how do I get rid of it? Detox?" The answer provided to her was to be kind to herself, eat healthy and get some sleep!  

I think everyone agrees that we had a lot of fun while learning some important information!

"As a presenter at our annual Women in Longview Day, Danielle Heard was an obvious favorite with our participants. Danielle passionately and effectively communicates the message of how our food choices determine our quality of life and longevity. An engaging speaker, a nutritional expert, and an accomplished chef, she challenges her audience to adopt a healthier lifestyle, and she shows them how to do so." — Sandra Skoog, Women in Longview Day Facilitator, Longview, TX

"Danielle's seminar received rave reviews from those who attended at Women in Longview Day. She is an interesting presenter and shares valuable information, motivating listeners to improve their health practices both for prevention and healing purposes." — Janis Canion, Women in Longview Day Seminars Manager, Longview, TX

Please call toll-free 866-330-5421 if you would like to arrange for Danielle to speak to your group or organization.

Please click here to learn more about Artemis in the City's Holistic Nutrition Programs and Services.

Danielle Heard, MS, HHC, Founder of Artemis in the City, LLC
Presenting at Women in Longview Day on March 24, 2011

Danielle Heard, MS, HHC, Founder of Artemis in the City, LLC
Presenting at Women in Longview Day on March 24, 2011

Thank you very much for reading my blog and please continue to visit often.

I wish you good health, happiness and love!



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