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“All eating is communion, feeding the soul as well as the body. Our cultural habit of eating 'fast food' reflects our current belief that all we need to take into ourselves, both literally and figuratively, is plain food, not food of real substance and not the imagination of real dining.” — Thomas Moore, Ph.D.

Class Enrollment and Cancellation Policy

The following is our cancellation policy for our events, lectures and classes. Class size is limited and based on first come basis. If you have an interest in attending any of our events, lectures and classes we request that you register early or by the designated class registration deadline date.

All classes with registration costs are payable upon student reservation. Class registration fees per person per class can be made with cash, check or credit card to Artemis in the City, LLC. Please use our online store for fast, easy and safe payment. 

Unless classes are specially designated “for children,” classes are designed for adults over the age of 18. Students under 18 are welcome to attend with paid registration, but must be accompanied by an adult with paid class registration. If your child is under the age of 18 it is advisable to discuss with the class instructor prior to registration of the class.

Preparation for each class is based on the number of enrolled students and requires planning many days in advance as well as costs for class materials. Therefore, refunds or credits, should you need to cancel or reschedule, can only be granted to those who contact us and make the cancellation request prior to the class registration cancellation date listed on the event.

Artemis in the City, LLC reserves the right to cancel or change the date, time or place of any class, if necessary, with notice to registered students. Should the class be cancelled by Artemis in the City, LLC and not rescheduled for a future date, a complete refund for the class would given to registered students or a credit which can be used for another event, lecture or class, whichever the student prefers.

If you have made a reservation to attend an event, lecture or class that is listed as FREE to the public, we are counting on you being there! As previously mentioned preparation for our classes is based on student enrollment and requires planning many days in advance, costs for class materials and consideration for the size of the space booked to accommodate the number of registered students. If you must cancel for any reason please kindly provide us with 48 hour cancellation notification.

Thank you so much for your interest in attending our events, lectures and classes that are specially designed to help you obtain greater health and wellness. We hope to see you there!

Please contact Artemis in the City, LLC if you have any additional questions or concerns at 866-330-5421 or info@artemisinthecity.com.

Thank you!                                               

Privacy Policy | Disclaimer | © 2008-2025 Artemis in the City, LLC. All rights reserved.
Email: info@artemisinthecity.com | Phone: 903-759-0172 | United States
Artemis in the City and logo and Food for the Untamed Soul are trademarks of Artemis in the City, LLC.

Privacy Policy | Disclaimer | © 2008-2025 Artemis in the City, LLC. All rights reserved.
Email: info@artemisinthecity.com | Phone: 903-759-0172 | United States
Artemis in the City and logo and Food for the Untamed Soul are trademarks of Artemis in the City, LLC.
